International Steel Statistics

Middle East and Steel Statistics >>> International Steel Statistics



World Chinese Pipe Supply & DemandLine Pipe & Seamless Pipe Consumption
Global Longitudinal Submerged Arc Welded (LSAW) Consumption (2009)Line Pipe & Seamless Pipe Consumption
Medium & Heavy Steel Sections Consumption (1997, 2002, 2007)Line Pipe & Seamless Pipe Consumption
Apparent Steel Consumption (1998-2006), (2007-2013)
Steel Production and Consumption: Geographical Distribution (2013)
World Consumption of Tinplate



Capacity of Iron Ore and Pellets (2005)

Imports / Exports

Major Importers & Exporters of Steel:
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Steel Exports, Analysis By Product: 1997-2006, 2007-2013
Ferrous Scrap Trade (2012-2013)
European Tinplate Production, Imports, Exports and Recycling Rates (2009-2010)



World Rail Production Forecast (2011)Requires Login - Access to MEsteel Members Only
Crude Steel Production & Growth Trend (1999-2008)Requires Login - Access to MEsteel Members Only
ArcelorMittal Production of Tinplate & TFS
Crude Steel Production By Process:

, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Crude Steel Production, 1995-2008
DR and HBI Production (1970-2013)
Largest Steel Producing Companies:
2000 - 2001, 2001 - 2002, 2002 - 2003, 2003 - 2004, 2004 - 2005, 2005 - 2006, 2006 - 2007, 2007 - 2008, 2008 - 2009, 2009 - 2010, 2010 - 2011, 2011 - 2012, 2012 - 2013
Latest Crude Steel Production
Major Steel Producing Countries:
2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2004-20052005-2006, 2006-2007,
2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013
Steel Production Costs in China, Russia, USARequires Login - Access to MEsteel Members Only



World Iron Ore Reserves (2013)Requires Login - Access to MEsteel Members Only

Production, Consumption and Imports of Finished Steel (1995-2006)
Chinese Steel Imports & Exports, Flat and Long Products (2004-2005)
Chinese Steel Export Structure (2004-2005)
Chinese Steel Import Structure (2004-2005)
Largest Chinese Steel Groups (2006)
Largest Chinese Steel Groups (2006)Requires Login - Access to MEsteel Members Only
Chinese Steel Import Structure (2004-2005)Requires Login - Access to MEsteel Members Only
Chinese Steel Export Structure (2004-2005)Requires Login - Access to MEsteel Members Only

Indian Steel Production, Consumption, Imports & Exports (1995-2006)

Prices and Exports of Slab & Flat Steel Products (2004-2005)
Russian Steel Scrap Deliveries Local + Export (1985-2006)
Russian Steel Scrap Exports (2003-2006)
Russian Finished Steel Export, Import and Domestic Shipments (2000-2009)Requires Login - Access to MEsteel Members Only
Russian Steel Exports Product Geography (2004)Requires Login - Access to MEsteel Members Only
Russian Steel Production, Consumption, Export (2005)Requires Login - Access to MEsteel Members Only


Prices and Exports of Slab & Flat Steel Products (2004-2005)
Ukrainian Steel Scrap Deliveries (2000-2005)

Import Statistics of Steel Products
More Info

News Articles On Steel Imports & Exports Worldwide
News Articles On Steel Imports & Exports in the Middle East
SITC Code Numbers for Steel Products

Middle East and Steel Statistics >>> International Steel Statistics