Imports of steel Ingots, Blooms, Billets and Slabs by Middle Eastern Countries in year 2003

Importing country Tonnes Value US$
ALGERIA 12,402 3,647,337
BAHRAIN 3,644 1,245,773
CYPRUS 475 99,935
EGYPT 1,398,259 277,989,767
IRAN 1,976,491 352,416,682
IRAQ 54 33,378
ISRAEL 319,551 74,147,511
JORDAN 240,158 46,352,229
KUWAIT 77,972 17,392,377
LEBANON 41 93,215
LIBYA 25 91,784
MALTA 21 50,616
MOROCCO 734,210 175,475,037
OMAN 40,468 8,867,844
PAKISTAN 13,400 3,177,233
QATAR 471 437,222
SAUDI ARABIA 872,828 205,802,791
SUDAN 51,799 12,183,211
SYRIA 241,493 50,587,674
TUNISIA 221,535 48,988,957
TURKEY 3,134,412 629,302,681
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 561,368 129,584,037
YEMEN 695 383,224
Total 9,901,772 2,038,350,515

Note : Data is  based on exports to these countries by all the countries on the ISSB database

Imports of Steel Ingots, Blooms, Billets and Slabs by Middle Eastern Countries in year 2002 2003,  2004

More Details can be obtained from
Mr. Phil Hunt

Middle East and Steel Statistics