Tiltwatch Plus

  When you need to know if a shipment has been just tilted or completely fallen over in transit

Attach the Tiltwatch Plus directly to a package's exterior surface to monitors the 'care in handling' of any shipment or other product movement situation. Applied in the same fashion as a 'peel and stick', pressure sensitive label, Tiltwatch Plus is actually three separate registers in a single, indicator unit measuring just 4.63" x 4.63"x .25" thick. One register indicates starting angle. The second register indicates exact angular amount of tilt endured and the third register indicates whether or not the unit was completely inverted(total overturn). Together the three registers of a Tiltwatch Plus indicator unit provide inexpensive 360° tilt monitoring for the entire duration of shipping transit and an unalterable record of damaging excesses. 
The simple presence of Shockwatch's new Tiltwatch Plus units often serve to lower the incidence of rough handling as well as providing documented proof for damage claims when required. The indicator units measure angles of container tilt in 10° increments from vertical plumb(with a guaranteed accuracy of plus or minus 5°). Unit construction features non-magnetic stainless steel register balls in a clear P.E.T.E. housing and they are certified to operate accurately within temperature tolerances from &endash;40°F to +140°F at 5% to 99% humidity.
Shockwatch, Inc., conceived Tiltwatch Plus as a transportation monitor for such 'sensitive to ship' items as precious artwork, statuary, unfinished/raw products, work-in-process, large furniture, electrical appliances, heavy machinery, computers, batteries, photocopiers, hazmat vessels, chemical tanks and other delicate or dangerous product containers.

Field tested to 100 percent reliability and priced as the affordable solution to monitoring and controlling the shipping attitudes of:

Product Features How the program works

Generally the procedure for using Tiltwatch Plus is as follows:

  1. A Tiltwatch Plus label is affixed to the exterior of each carton that contains tilt vulnerable goods and will follow the following monitoring cycle. In addition, the maximum tilt angle allowed should be noted on the companion label.
  2. All shipments bearing a label will additionally be identified with an alert sticker or notification on the bill of lading.
  3. In the event the carton is tipped beyond acceptable handling limits, the indicator ball bearing will move from its original position to position that indicates the exact level of tilt.
  4. Once in this state, the monitor cannot be altered, thus providing you with a permanent indication that a tilt has occurred beyond a desired level during transit.Those cartons delivered with the Tiltwatch Plus label in its original position will normally indicate a safe trip. However, those shipments that arrive with the indicator ball bearing in different position from the companion label should note on the billing of lading, and inspect the package for possible damage. In all cases, standard procedures for claims should be followed.

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