
Steel production and consumption, 1990 and 2000

Algeria, Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Iraq, Irak, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Production 1990 Production 2000
EU (15) 148.4 19.4% EU (15) 163.2 19.7%
Other Europe 63.7 9.3% Other Europe 46.5 5.4%
former USSR 154.4 20.4% former USSR 98.6 10.7%
NAFTA 110.7 14.3% NAFTA 133.8 16.4%
PR China 66.3 7.8% PR China 127.2 15.8%
Japan 110.3 13.7% Japan 106.4 12.0%
Other Asia 61.8 7.5% Other Asia 97.6 11.5%
Others 54.7 7.6% Others 73.8 8.4%
Africa 13.3 1.7% Africa 13.5 1.5%
Middle East 4.1 0.5% Middle East 10.8 1.2%
Central and South America 30.0 4.4% Central and South America 40.3 4.5%
Australia and New Zealand 7.4 0.9% Australia and New Zealand 9.2 1.1%
World 770.5 100.0% World 847.2 100.0%
Consumption 1990 Consumption 2000
EU (15) 121.6 19.9% EU (15) 143.8 19.3%
Other Europe 37.4 7.0% Other Europe 34.2 5.0%
former USSR 116.6 18.4% former USSR 40.7 4.4%
NAFTA 103.9 15.4% NAFTA 146.9 19.4%
PR China 53.6 8.6% PR China 141.2 18.0%
Japan 94.0 13.2% Japan 76.1 9.8%
Other Asia 76.1 10.0% Other Asia 121.1 15.7%
Others 46.6 7.5% Others 64.7 8.5%
Africa 13.4 2.0% Africa 15.4 2.0%
Middle East 9.8 1.6% Middle East 16.2 2.0%
Central and South America 18.0 3.0% Central and South America 26.9 3.5%
Australia and New Zealand 5.4 0.9% Australia and New Zealand 6.2 0.9%
World 649.8 100.0% World 768.7 100.0%

Source: International Iron and Steel Institute ( IISI )