Carbon Steel/ Flat/Hot Rolled Plates/Tolerances/Norms

Permissible deviation from the nominal thickness and permissible differences in thickness of the same plate

Nominal Thickness Permissible deviations from the nominal thickness * Permissible differences between the smallest and largest thickness ** of the same plate for nominal widths
from up to but not including usual lower lower deviation from the nominal thickness limited lower deviation from the nominal thickness ** from 600 up to but not including 2000 from 2000 up to but not including2500 from 2500 up to but not including 3000 from 3000 up to but not including 3500  From 3500 up to 4000
3 5 +0.8, -0.4 +0.9, -0.3 0,8 0,9 0,9 - -
5 8 +1.1 , -0.4 +1.2 , -0.3 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 -
8 15 +1.2 , -0.5 +1.4 , -0.3 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,1
15 25 +1.3, -0.6 +1.6 , -0.3 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,3
25 40 +1.4 , -0.8 +1.9 , -0.3 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3
40 80 +1.8 , -1.0 +2.5 , -0.3 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,5
80 150 *** +2.2 ,  -1.0 +2.9 , -0.3 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,6
*  See subclause 7.2.1  for thickness testing.     **  Code letter B (see subclause 3.1)    ***  Including 150 mm

  Permissible upper deviation from the nominal width in the case of plate with cut edges                                                    

Nominal Width Permissible upper deviation from the nominal width
From up to but not including
600 2000 20
2000 3000 25
3000 4000 * 30
* Including 4000 mm. For larger nominal widths, the permissible deviations must be agreed

                       Permissible upper deviation from the nominal width

Nominal Length Permissible upper deviation from the nominal Length
From up to but not including
  4000 20
4000 6000 30
6000 8000 40
8000 10000 50
10000 15000 75
15000 20000 * 100
* Including 20000 mm. For larger nominal lengths, the permissible deviations must be agreed

Permissible upper deviation from the theoretical weight

Nominal Thickness Permissible upper deviations from the nominal thickness * Permissible upper deviation from the theoretical weight ** in % for nominal widths
from up to but not including from 600 up to but not including 2000 from 2000 up to but not including2500 from 2500 up to but not including 3000 from 3000 up to but not including 3500  From 3500 up to 4000
3 5 0,8 8,5 9,5 10,5 - ---
0,9 11 12 13,5 - ---
5 8 1,1 7 7,5 8,5 9 ----
1,2 9 9,5 10 11 ---
8 15 1,2 6 6 6.5 7 7,5
1,4 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5
15 25 1,3 4,5 4,5 5 5 5,5
1,6 6 6 6,5 6,5 7
25 40 1,4 3,5 3,5 4 4 4
1,9 5 5 5,5 5,5 5,5
40 80 1,8 3,5 3,5 4 4 4
2,5 5 5 5,5 5,5 5,5
80 150 *** 2,2 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5
2,9 4 4 4 4 4
*  See Table 1   

 **  The values shown in the table apply to consignments weighing from 25 up to but not including 75 t. For larger or smaller consignments, the permissible upper deviation from the theoretical weight is obtained by multiplying the figures in the table by the following factors:

0,8 for consignments over 150 t

0, 9 for consignments from 75 t 150 t

1,2 for consignments from 10 up to but not including 25 t

1,4 for consignment of less than 10 t

Over 1,4 (kin accordance with special agreement) for single plates

*** Including 150 mm

Permissible deviations from flatness

Nominal Thickness Permissible deviations from flatness
From Up to but not including Material Group I * Material Group II **
Measuring Length
1000 *** 2000 1000 *** 2000
3 5 9 & 14 ***** 12 ***** 17 *****
5 8 8 12 ***** 11 15*****
8 15 7 11***** 10 14*****
15 25 7 10***** 10 13*****
25 40 6 9***** 9 12*****
40 150 **** 5 8***** 8 11*****
 *  Steels with a prescribed minimum value for the yield point  460 N/mm , with the exception of products in the quenched and tempered condition

 **  Steels with a prescribed minimum value for the yield point  460  700N/mm and all products in the deviation from flatness mist not exceed 1,0 % for material group  1 or 1,5 % of this distance for material group II, but it must not exceed the values given in the table. This stipulation applies only to measuring lengths of at least 300 mm.

*** Where the distance between two points of contact of the straightedge with the plate is less than 1000mm, the deviation from flatness must not exceed 1,0% for material group I or 1,5 % of this distance for material group II, but it must not exceed the values given in the table.  This stipulation applies only to measuring  lengths of at least 300 mm.

**** Including 150 mm

***** These values are permissible only if they can be reduced to a maximum of 8 mm for material group I and to a maximum of 11 mm for material group II, when a specified force P is applied to a point.  For this purpose, P must be taken as 750 N for plate thickness less than 6 mm and as 1500 N for plate thickness is greater than or equal to 6 mm and less than 10 mm.  For Plate thickness greater than or equal to 10 mm, p (in N) = 150 x plate thickness in (mm) (e.g 3000 N for a plate thickness of 20 mm). In each case, this force must be applied at the points of contact between the plate and the straightedge ( see subclause 7.2.6)