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Events / Exhibitions -   UAE   |  Middle East



Middle East

Events / Exhibitions


  • October 15 - 19  The Big 5 Show, Dubai World Trade Centre
  • October 16 - 19  Middle East Elevators and Escalators Technology Exhibition, Dubai World Trade Centre
  • February 18 - 20, 2001 Middle East Metal and Metallurgy Exhibition 2001 in conjunction with ALUMEX 2001, Dubai World Trade Centre

Middle East

  • September 27 - 29  Middle East and African Power, Egypt
  • September 27 - October 1  IMAK-TATEF 2000, Instanbul, Turkey
  • October 1 - 5  Saudi Building Industries Exhibition, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • October 16 - 20  UAE in Libya, Tripoli
  • October 23 - 25  6th International Conference on Deterioration and Repair of Reinforced Concrete in the Arabian Gulf, by the Bahrain Society of Engineers, at the Gulf Hotel, Bahrain
  • October 39 - November 2,  SaudiBuild 200 incorporating Saudi Stone, Saudi Arabia
  • April 15 - 19 2001  The Gulf Construction Exhibition 2001 with Airvex and Energex, Dahran International Exhibition Centre, Saudi Arabia
  • May 15 - 19 2001 Project Lebanon, Forum de Beyrouth, Beirut, Lebanon
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