TURKEY: Macroeconomic Data And Forecasts

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   1997 1998 1999 2000e 2000/01 2001f 2002f

Latest period

Real GNP growth(%y/y) 8.3 3.8 -6.3 6.0 5.4 Jan-Sep 2.0 4.0
Budget balance(% of GNP) 0.7 -7.5 -11.6 -11.0     -4.5 -5.5
Industrial production(%ann.av) 10.7 0.9 -5.2 5.0 6.2 Jan-Nov 1.5 4.0
CPI,end period(%m/m) 5.1 3.3 5.9   2.5 Dec    
CPI,end period(%y/y) 99.1 69.7 68.8 39.0 39.0 Dec 25.0 20.0
WPI,end period(%m/m) 5.4 2.5 6.8   1.9 Dec       
WPI,end period(%y/y) 91.0 54.3 62.9 30.0 32.7 Dec 20.0 15.0
Most Traded T-bill rate(%eop) 84.0 98.4 70.3 70.0 63.6 Dec 40.0 45.0
Lira/US$,period average 151,239 259,837 429,604 627,082     710,000 785,000
Lira/US$,end period 199,079 306,122 542,100 669,800 670,754 12-Jan 740,000 830,000
Lira/EUR,end period 218,987 361,224 545,895 601,000 632,511 12-Jan 740,000 915,000
Exports(fob,US$bn) 26.26 26.97 26.59 27.00 22.08 Jan-Oct 27.00 28.00
Imports(cif,US$bn) 48.56 45.92 40.69 49.00 43.87 Jan-Oct 47.00 48.00
Trade balance(US$bn) -22.30 -18.95 -14.10 -22.00 -21.79 Jan-Oct -20.00 -20.00
Current account balance(US$bn) -2.64 1.98 -1.36 -8.50 -7.47 Jan-Oct -5.00 -5.00
Current account balance(% of GNP) -1.4 1.0 -0.75 -4.05     -1.98 -1.75
Foreign reserves(ex.gold,US$bn) 18.42 19.72 23.34 19.64 25.10 5-Jan 25.00 23.00
Import cover(months)* 3.97 5.36 7.10 5.60     6.60 6.00
Domestic debt(TRLtrn) 6,283 11,613 22,920 35,000 32,237.00 Oct 52,000 70,000.00
Total external debt(US$bn) 84.89 96.91 101.78 110.00 106.03 Jun 132.00 145.00
Total external debt/GNP(%) 43.68 47.05 55.88 50.82     45.50 42.30
Total external debt/exports(%)** 215.9 209.1 200.3 211.5     249.1 268.5

f = forecasts (bold). * Number of months imports (cif) covered by FX reserves plus gold. **exports of goods and services.

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