
For all companies

-Your banner on our general pages Who Buys, Who Sells, or in our Offers/Inquiries pages, or in the pages "Product Info or Qualities". Banner can be designed by us, free of charge.

Banner type Advertise in Price / 3 months 
100 x 70 side banner, GIF / JPG format, max 7k file, Alt text limit 7, Target URL max 35 Characters, Normal 3 rows banner  Who Buys or Offers page 250 AED or 70 USD
Product info page 500 AED or 140 USD
Who Sells or Inquiries  page  750 AED or 210 USD
230 x 60 side banner, GIF / JPG format max 7k file, Alt text limit 15, Target URL max 100 Characters Who Buys or Offers page 500 AED or 140 USD
Product info page 1000 AED or 280 USD
Who Sells or Inquiries  page  1500 AED or 420 USD

Any body accessing product info, or looking for buyers - sellers, offers - inquiries, of any steel product, will find your banner add prominently.

-Your technical -sizes- quality info on your steel products, which are of general use to our sections "Product Info" or "Qualities", will be inserted free of charge!

For companies in Middle East, registered with 

Included in standard members registration (1000AED or 275 usd/year) 

-Two static A4 pages, as your own web pages on  
-Linkage to your existing website from 

Additional Advertising 

-Your extra static pages on this site. For additional pages, on top of 2 included in registration: AED 150 or 41 USD, per page per year. For more than 10 pages, pls contact us for getting special pricing.

For companies outside Middle East, registered with 

Included in standard members registration (1000AED or 275 USD/year) 

-One static A4 pages, as your own web pages on 
-Linkage to your existing website from


If you are no member yet, please fill registration form
(basic fee AED 1000/- or USD 275/- year only)