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Steel News in Iran | ||
Iran becomes Alloy Steel Exporter
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For the first time, Iran Alloy Complex succeeded in exporting alloy steel to
Italy and Germany. In the sidelines of the first seminar on alloy steel, which is held in Yazd, the head of the board of directors tool for economic boost. Emphasizing the function of alloy steel as a fundamental raw material used in manufacturing automobiles, he said that with the upward trend which is currently experienced in auto manufacturing, the need for alloy steel is increasing and that the demand for this product is projected to increase from 200 thousand tons to 600 thousand tons in the Fourth Economic Development Plan. He expressed hope that alloy steel exports increase to 10,000 tons in the next Iranian calendar year 1383 (March 20 2004 –March 21, 2005), adding that the current production capacity of the complex is 140 thousand tons and with the implementation of long-term development plan it is projected to hit 360 thousand tons. | ||
1.500t Steel Jacket installed for South Pars development
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The Norwegian oil and gas giant Statoil announced Wednesday the first of three
jackets for wellhead platforms required in phases six-eight of the South Pars
development had been installed and that drilling was scheduled to start in
February, IRNA reported from London. The jacket, weighing some 1,500 tons, was deployed to a depth of 65 metres in the Persian Gulf during the early morning of 5 January and the job of attaching it to the seabed with four 180-meter piles will begin in about 14 days, it said. Rune Mordal, Statoil's project manager for fabricating the platforms, said that the other two steel underframes were also close to completion, putting the drilling on schedule. South Pars is the world's largest offshore gas field at and the development of the three phases, awarded to Statoil, is equal in size to Norway's largest Troll field in the North Sea. The estimated Dlrs 3 billion project includes producing about 650 billion cubic meter gas and 700 million barrels natural gas liquids (NGL). The first of the three wellhead platforms is due to be ready for production in early 2005. Statoil, which has established a project organisation in Teheran with its Iranian partner Petropars, subcontacted the engineering, procurement and installation to build the jackets to local company, Isoico, carrying out the work at Bandar Abbas. Iran's Sadra was also awarded an engineering, procurement and construction contract and has also recently begun topside fabrication for the project in the Iranian port of Busher. | ||
Direct iron ore reduction unit to be built in Khorasan
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Iran’s Development and Renovation Organization of Mines and Mineral Industries (IDROMI)
agreed to start the construction project of a direct iron ore reduction unit in
Khorasan province. IRTIC and IRASCO companies along with Khorasan Steel Complex (KSC) will establish a joint firm to implement the project. | ||
Iran increases steel imports
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During the past eight months of the current Iranian year (ending March 20,
2004), Iran imported some five million tons of steel, managing director of
Mobarakeh Steel Complex Mahmud Eslamian stated. Steel industry remains one of the most job-creative fairs throughout the world, he added. Therefore, many countries have recently planned to support and reinforce the industry to improve their economy, he said. In order to restrict steel imports, the EU apportioned quotas while impelling fines and effective tariffs, he stated. “This urged other steel producers, like Iran, to increase their production load, and, consequently, to follow Europe and limit their steel imports,” he uttered. Iran exerts only 25% of the globally-agreed-upon tariffs, Eslamian regretted. “Iranian officials should wisely consider the current situation of steel markets around the world so as to treat the steel industry more reasonably in their future strategies,” he stressed. | ||
Successful Start-up of Techint Technologies furnaces in Mobarake.
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In November, Techint Technologies successfully started up the active panels
tunnel furnaces at Arcelor Cockerill Carlam (Belgium) and at Mobarakeh Steel
Plant (Iran). The first is mainly applied to stainless steel production while
the second to carbon steel. This technology, patented by Techint, increases and
equalizes the temperature of the transfer bar between the rougher and the
finishing stands allowing a lower thickness rolling and energy saving. This is
the optimal alternative to other more expensive solutions. Final acceptance
tests are expected before Christmas. | ||
KSC to upgrade DRI capacity in Ahwaz
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Khouzestan Steel Company (KSC) issued a tender to upgrade it's DRI capacity at
its Ahwaz plant. The bid deadline is 5 January and the consultant is the local
Tara Tarh Engineering & Technological Company. The capacity of the three Midrex DRI modules is to be expanded from 550KT/year to 660KT/year. The existing zam-zam unit will be increased from 800KT/year to 1 million t/year of sponge iron and a new 1 million-t/y sponge iron gas-based zam-zam unit will also be installed. Only local companies or joint ventures with majority local ownership are allowed to bid and will need to supply finance for all project costs. The project will be carried out on a buyback basis, with sale of KSC products over a nine-year period. | ||
Iran increases iron beam production
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During the fist half of the current Iranian year (ending March 20, 2004), some
1 million ton of steel beam has been manufactured in Iran, managing director of
electrical, metal industries in the Ministry of Mines and Industry Mozaffar
A’vani said. The amount corroborated 16.6 percent growth compared with the corresponding period last year. Contrary to the remarkable increase in iron bar and hot rolled iron sheet production, cold rolled iron sheet production experienced a five percent decline, A’vani stated. During the said period, Iran’s raw steel production reached about 4.6 million tons, showing 6 percent increase in comparison with the latest figures. A’vani predicted that steel imports will attain 6 million tons up to the end of this year, saying pig iron imports set a 1-million-ton record in the past seven months of the current year. Meanwhile, A’vani stated that a steel mill complex would come on stream by the private sector in the next few months. | ||
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